These UTX packs are generalized, not specific to any map area.  Try to get these loaded as CoreTex_whatever so we can have them load right off the bat.  If this won't work, then check the icky alternative.

Package Name size (KB) All packages have multiple categories built-in making it easy to select through them to get exactly what is needed, but they are not separated by mission or map area.
SSDXAnimTex.utx 7639 All the animated textures we will ever need and then some.   APPLY ONLY THE TEXTURE LABELED _a00 to have animation.  I only set the animation framerate for the _a00 texture.  If this is a problem, then I will go through them again and repost, but I was told it should work with the first done only.
SSDXflooring.utx 3363 This has a massive assortment of flooring textures that might double as ceiling textures.
SSDXGeneral.utx 8851 Exasperating in the number of textures and has categories for damn near everything.
SSDXLadders.utx 38 This is the famed package of ladders with a ladder category, which gives us ladders.
SSDXMasked.utx 1703 All the masking has been fixed and works.
SSDXSkins.utx 2066 Has customized skins, custom belt icons, and the custom skin for the ER45 weapon.
SSDXWalls.utx 6748 Anything that is a wall is here.